I finished up my final exams--and came out of my first College Term with a 4.0 GPA! That meant that I finished up those two classes and an Online Spanish II course, only to pick up my Algebra II, History, and Chemistry back at home once more. It's rough--but at least none of those subjects take as much time as my College ones did!
I'd better explain the various series that I have designed so I don't lose you when I start throwing around titles. In chronological order, the series that I have ideas for so far are: 'Guardian', 'Battle in M101', 'Xor Sector', 'Invasion of the Milky Way', 'The Sect Wars', and potentially anoter series called 'Lost Legends'. That makes a total of six series--'Guardian' might be 2 books, 'Battle in M101' would be 6-7, 'Xor Sector' is undetermined--it might possibly turn out maybe 8-10--'Invasion of the Milky Way' I think will turn out 4 or so, 'The Sect Wars' would be 3-4, and so far we have ideas for 2 books in 'Lost Legends'. All that totals possible material for 25-29 books in the saga! Whew... that would almost take me a life-time, I believe!
'Guardian' simply covers the events that lead up to where the original Book 1 of the saga, "The Dead Civilization", opens up. It would be in 1st person from the POV of the body-guard, Thraknoth, of the ancient hero Spartos in 'Battle in M101'.
'Battle in M101' is a more difficult matter to explain. It follows the 2 Giants' Wars, which span 40-45 years. However, 'Battle in M101' is split in 2 by the series 'Xor Sector'.
After your original evil forces in the 1st Giants' War are defeated, your three main characters head home to the Milky Way. A 15 year time-span lapses, during which the original evil forces rise to an even greater power than before and begin to over-run and destroy everything that your three main characters from the 1st Giants' War accomplished. 'Xor Sector' follows the Spec-Ops force by that name. Xor Sector is comprised of multiple divisions, each with different strengths and operative areas. 'Xor Sector' is an Sci-Fi/Fantasy Action/Mystery story jam-packed with unexpected twists and turns on stories that trace even all the way back to 'Guardian'. A decent amount of action occurs in this series. You will have multiple main characters over the course of the series. By this statement, I mean that you have 1, Ordonel, for the first 3 books, and after that you end up with a different one for a couple others. You thus gain an in-depth view of the inner-workings of 'Xor Sector' and it's divisions--Xor plays a hefty part in many of the future tales. 'Xor Sector' overlaps into the 5th book of 'Battle in M101', giving you a different view-point of the opening in the latter.
More another time... starting with 'Invasion of the Milky Way!
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